What is an impacted tooth?
Wisdom teeth are teeth that cannot erupt normally in the mouth. May appear only in part or embedded in the jawbone. The teeth most often found to be impacted are the lower molars. Which is the innermost of the lower jaw bone. This tooth should normally erupt between the ages of 18 and 25. It may pop up in an upright, slanted, or horizontal position. And always stays close to the adjacent teeth. Such as canines, premolars, but less common than the lower molars.

How do you know that you have wisdom teeth?
from oral examination. If it is found that any tooth is only partially erupted or missing teeth. I suspected that I would have wisdom teeth. Panoramic X-rays show all the UFABET teeth in both the upper and lower jawbones. including pathologies that occur in the jaw bone
Why do I have to have wisdom teeth removed?
Wisdom tooth surgery has several purposes:
1. To prevent inflammation of the gums that cover the teeth. Because there will be food particles stuck under the gums and cannot be cleaned. The accumulation of bacteria can inflame the gums. pain and purulent swelling. If left untreated, the inflammation will spread under the chin or under the tongue, which will cause the spread of germs to other parts. of the body easily Considered extremely dangerous.
2. To prevent tooth decay adjacent. The space between the wisdom teeth and the adjacent second molar. Difficult to clean Food scraps will get stuck causing tooth decay on both teeth.
3. To prevent dissolution of the bone. Pressure from wisdom teeth try to push up will cause the bone around the root of the tooth or nearby roots are destroyed
4. To prevent the formation of cysts or tumors. Long-term impacted wisdom teeth The tissue that surrounds the wisdom teeth may expand to become a water cyst then grow up without showing any symptoms at all Until finally causing the destruction of the adjacent teeth and the bones around that area.
5. To prevent jaw bone fractures. Due to having implanted wisdom teeth will cause the jawbone in that area to be thinner than other locations become a weakness. When getting into an accident or concussion.
6. Other purposes, such as in orthodontics. The third molar must be extracted first to make it easier to move other teeth.
What are the procedures for wisdom teeth removal? Is it as scary as they say?
Wisdom tooth surgery is not as scary as you think. The dentist will use a local anesthetic to relieve the sensation. Then use a gritting machine to cut the teeth out Clean and suture the wound closed. This is all done. Able to return home without having to recuperate at the hospital
What are the symptoms after wisdom teeth surgery? Can you talk or eat?
Symptoms that can be found after wisdom teeth surgery. The painkillers and antibiotics given, the symptoms will subside. Regarding food, we have to eat soft food for a while. to prevent the impact on the wound As for speaking, I can speak normally.
What should I do after wisdom teeth surgery?
Recommendations after wisdom tooth surgery are as follows:
1. Bite on gauze for 1 hour, swallow normally.
2. Do not spit out blood and saliva. because it may cause the bleeding to stop.
3. After the gauze is removed If there is bleeding from the surgical wound Use clean gauze to bite again about ½ hour
. 4. Apply ice on the cheeks. Only on the day of surgery
5. Eat soft food
6. Take all medications as prescribed by the dentist
7. Refrain from exercising or playing sports
8. Brush your teeth and clean your mouth as usual
9. Remove sutures 7 days after surgery
10. If There is a problem or complication occurs. Come back to see the dentist the day before the appointment.
What are the dangers or complications of wisdom teeth surgery?
Complications of wisdom teeth surgery that can be found, such as gauze dressing and excessive bleeding from the surgical incision. Fever or infection after surgery 2-3 days after surgery, the pain and swelling have not subsided. But there are more and more symptoms or numbness of the lower lip for an unusually long time after the anesthetic effect has ceased If you have these symptoms, you should go back to see the dentist immediately. to find a solution
But let me tell you that these complications are very rare. Don’t worry until you’re afraid that you won’t go for wisdom tooth surgery. Because if you keep your wisdom teeth back, it will be even more dangerous.
If so, how can I prevent the danger of wisdom teeth?
This is not difficult, just go to the dentist for an examination and take x-rays of the teeth to know where the wisdom teeth are implanted. After that, I began to gradually remove the wisdom teeth before the pain and swelling appeared. or cause problems with adjacent teeth Surgery at a young age (18 – 25 years) can be done easily. The wound heals quickly and the complication after surgery is low. Therefore, if you have wisdom teeth, don’t hold back. Get the surgery out early. so that there will be no negative consequences later