Easy tips to stay away from “kidney disease”. You can do it and be strong for sure.

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Easy tips to stay away from “kidney disease”. You can do it and be strong for sure. Dr. Suphan Srithamma, Director-General of the Department of Medical Services,  said that the kidney is an important organ for the urinary system. It is shaped like a red bean, the size of a fist, and has two sides. It is located at the back of the waist. The kidney is responsible for excreting waste from the body, creating useful substances, controlling the balance of water and minerals in the body, and helping to excrete foreign substances that the body receives. If the kidney is abnormal and does not work to its full potential, various wastes will accumulate and remain until they are harmful to the body.

Easy tips to stay away from "kidney disease". You can do it and be strong for sure.

Patients with kidney disease in the early stages usually do not show any symptoms because the kidneys can adjust their function to be balanced. Even if it is only 50 percent of normal. However, when the kidney function drops to 25 percent. Symptoms will start to appear such as  fatigue, easy fatigue, loss of appetite, paleness, itching, swelling of the face, arms and legs, and excessive urination at night.

Therefore, they should have an annual physical examination to screen for kidney disease initially. Especially those with risk factors for kidney disease, such as non-steroidal painkillers, or being exposed to certain chemicals for a long time. If patients with kidney disease know how to take care of their kidneys. They will be able to live longer without having to undergo dialysis blood purifiers and kidney transplants.

Important principles that help slow down kidney deterioration include controlling blood pressure to be at a normal level or close to normal. That is below 130/80 millimeters of mercury. Control sugar levels, especially for those with diabetes. Control and avoid protein foods from meat and animal organs to prevent waste levels in the body from increasing. You should eat protein from fish and egg whites because they are easy to digest and have high nutritional value. Avoid all types of salty foods. Including pickled foods, ready-to-eat foods, and various snacks.

Especially those with high blood pressure and swelling, avoid fatty foods such as coconut milk, fatty meat, fried food, egg yolks, seafood, etc. Because if the fat in the โปรโมชั่น ufabet blood is high. It will cause the arteries to harden and have a negative effect on the kidneys. Stop smoking, do exercise that is not too intense and not too tiring. Such as walking. Doing exercise in one place will help improve blood circulation.

The Director-General of the Department of Medical Services added that  eating habits should be changed, eating nutritious foods should be chosen, avoiding sweet, fatty, and salty foods, drinking 8-10 glasses of clean water per day, exercising regularly, not buying medicine to take by yourself, and avoiding important risk factors that cause diabetes and high blood pressure. Which are important causes of kidney disease.