- Dull pain around the head, forehead, eyes, cheekbones, around the eyes, or thick purulent snot It may be assumed that sinusitis if left until the symptoms spread to the bone. May cause inflammation to spread to the brain resulting in more difficult treatment and eventually died
- Swimming in chlorinated pools or chemicals to kill germs Aspiration of water may result in irritation of the lining of the sinuses. cause sinusitis
- If symptoms of sinusitis persist for more than 10 days, you should see a doctor immediately. in order to properly diagnose and treat The doctor will take a medical history, physical examination, or additional examinations with endoscopy, MRI or computed tomography.
Sinus is an air cavity located in the skull of the face around the nose with an opening connected to the nasopharynx. Within the sinuses there is a mucous membrane. connected to the same piece as the mucous membrane inside the nasal cavity Acts as the air conditioner that we breathe. through the nose It helps transfer heat and moisture from the blood vessels on the epithelium to suit the UFABET body. There are 4 pairs of sinuses:

- Cheekbone area 2 sides (maxillary sinus)
- Between the eyes, the ethmoid sinus
- The forehead near the frontal sinuses on both sides.
- Located in the skull near the base of the brain (sphenoid sinus).
Dr. Ubolrat Pitasawat, a specialist in otolaryngology, Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, Samitivej Sukhumvit, stated that when having a cold, influenza or allergies, it causes the lining of the nasopharynx to swell. As a result, the sinus cavity that contacts the nose is constricted. Congestion of mucus in the nasal cavity It is an ideal condition for the growth of pathogens. until the mucous membranes become inflamed and purulent Sinusitis can occur.
In addition, the infection at the root of the tooth It can also cause sinusitis. Because the bone between the tooth root and the sinus is very thin. especially in the elderly which the bones become thinner with age
Sinusitis is divided into two types.
- Acute sinusitis (acute sinusitis) is caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection causing inflammation. Increased phlegm, nasal congestion, discomfort in the cheeks, forehead or around the eyes, and headaches. Most resolve within 3 weeks and less than 4 times a year.
- Chronic sinusitis is a chronic condition that lasts more than 12 weeks and occurs more than four times a year.
danger signal sinusitis symptoms
- Mild pain in sinusitis areas such as the forehead, eyes, cheekbones, or around the eyes
- Headaches usually occur in the morning or afternoon. especially when bowing his head or change position
- thick green or yellow purulent mucus When you sniff hard feeling of mucus running down the throat
- Nasal congestion, fishy smelly breath
- ear pain tinnitus
- sore throat
- have a fever
- tired
Sinusitis Risk Factors
- Cold, influenza and allergy patients cause swelling of the mucous membranes. which may obstruct the sinus cavity
- Those who have abnormalities of the nasal cavity, such as a crooked septum between the nasal passages The nasal passages are narrower than normal. causing inflammation from infection more easily
- People who smoke regularly or live in highly polluted areas Resulting in decreased immunity
- Swimming in chlorinated pools or chemicals to kill germs Aspiration of water may result in irritation of the lining of the sinuses.
- air allergy patients
Diagnosis of sinusitis
The doctor will take a medical history. physical examination by looking at pus or mucus at the back of the throat Together with the pressure on the forehead, cheekbones, eyes, including special examinations as follows
- Endoscopy (nasal endoscopy)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Computed tomography (CT scan) in case of needing details to perform surgery or in patients with complications
sinusitis treatment
- antibiotics
- sinus medication use to be used only in case of bacterial infection
- For cases caused by viruses, no medication is needed.
- But if sinusitis is caused by a fungus, which is very rare In this case, a surgical procedure is required to remove the fungal lump.
- Antihistamines to reduce allergies that can cause sinusitis.
- nasal steroid spray nasal spray containing steroids Helps reduce tissue swelling and airborne allergies. It also helps prevent the regeneration of nasal polyps after sinus surgery.
- Decongestants help constrict blood vessels in the inner nasal tissues. As a result, food is less stuffy and runny nose.
- Use saline solution to wash your nose. to clear mucus from the nasal cavity and sinuses
- surgical treatment
Before surgery, computed tomography is necessary. To guide the surgery and reduce the errors that may occur. Suitable for the treatment of sinuses caused by abnormalities of the nasal cavity. or tissue that grows to block the sinus cavity
prevention of sinusitis
- avoid flu or influenza by vaccination
- Avoid being close to flu patients. or respiratory infection
- Refrain from smoking or avoid being in polluted areas.
- in a place with good ventilation
- use an air filter If outside the house is polluted
- exercise regularly
- eat healthy food
- get enough rest
- drink enough water Don’t let your nose dry.
Complications from sinusitis
- Effects on upper and lower respiratory mucosa Causes inflammation of the lining of the throat, larynx and trachea, resulting in the risk of asthma
- Sinusitis spreads to eyes It causes the tissue around the eyes to become inflamed, causing eye pain, swollen eyes, red eyes, protruding eyes, decreased vision. It can be severe to the point of losing your vision.
- sinusitis spreading to the brain Affecting vision, headache, fever. If the inflammation increases, there may be a high fever, meningitis. or spread to the brain to the point of being severely life-threatening
- Sinusitis spreading to the bone This can result in inflammation spreading to the brain. resulting in more difficult treatment and eventually died
Although sinusitis initially has mild symptoms can be cured in a short time But if the inflammation is left to become chronic, it may affect nearby organs, creating complexity and difficulty in treatment. and may ultimately result in life
Therefore, if found that there are various symptoms of continuous sinusitis for more than 10 days, presumed to be acute sinusitis Therefore, you should hurry to see a doctor. in order to properly diagnose and treat