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Monthly Archives: October 2023

Wrong "bathing" behavior that you may not have known about

Wrong “bathing” behavior that you may not have known about

Normally, Thai people tend to bathe frequently. Because of the hot weather, many people sweat easily. I feel uncomfortable on my skin. My hair is sensitive. But did you know that? Behavior during bathing Something that you are doing regularly It might be wrong. And it can cause negative consequences. Therefore,

10 ways to relieve a cough as quickly as possible

10 ways to relieve a cough as quickly as possible

Colds, asthma, dry throat, respiratory infections, acid reflux , allergies, smoking, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis. to side effects from certain drugs These are the reasons why we have a cough, whether it be a dry cough, a cough with mucus or a chronic cough. But no matter what kind of cough It can